Every color of the spectrum holds a different frequency and vibration. They correspond to different energy centers. The different shades within each color can tell us whether the energy is under expressed, balanced, or over expressed. Colors tell us so much!
This guided meditation is an activation of your connection to the different colors of the rainbow as a language and barometer for energy. Note the different thoughts and sensations you experience with each color within the meditation. Journal your experience post-meditation. You can do your own free-form meditation to dig deeper into the messages you received for each color. If you would like to connect deeper with color symbolism or understand your symbols on a deeper level, setup a 15 minute consultation with me to see if we are an energetic match. I developed my intuitive abilities independently for as far as I could. At some point, I felt I plateaued and sought working with a mentor to guide me and expand my practice. Music Credit: www.bensound.com The color red corresponds to our root chakra. It represents themes of survival, fight or flight responses, and identity. In Disney’s Snow White, Snow White’s life is compromised by a red apple. Little Red Riding Hood: the main character is cloaked in red symbolizing her personal development of self-awareness and survival.
Who am I? What is identity? The common response is to list the emotions we gravitate towards. Our emotions are fluid and always changing. Emotions are signals, not our identity. They don't define us. Our identity refers to who we are in all time and space experiences. Who am I no matter what? When I see red in a reading, it tells me a person is going through the process of figuring this out. They're working through grounding their energy to connect with who their soul is on Earth. No matter how many lifetimes we've been through, the constant is our soul. Red refers to authority as in, who has the authority? When I'm feeling uncertain in a situation I'll ask, who is the dominant authority? If it is anyone but me, it means I need to take a closer look at what I'm doing and why. This is important because if someone else has the authority, then we're depending outside of our self for fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy. No one is responsible for anyone else's happiness but their own. That is simply because we cannot control another person's actions. Life is all about choices. What choice will you make and for whose good will you serve? I also see red and the root chakra as foundational work. I see people work through their chakras in order like building blocks. You can work through them any order you want but the most resilient building starts with a stable foundation. Red is about self-awareness. I'm writing about authority and identity that are constant and infinite but are you conscious of it's place in your life? It's always there and you are already living it in some aspects but do you know what it is? People turn red when they get embarrassed or angry. It's a physical expression of an emotional reaction to confronting a part of their self. We turn red because of an attachment to a perspective that tells us it's good or bad rather than a perspective that compassionately teaches us from the aspect. Investigate your response with wonder. It will bring you closer to understanding yourself. To support your own self-discovery, wear red, decorate with red, and eat red foods. I used to get a ton of relationship/love questions. When will I find a partner? Spirit always answered with starting with the self. Find yourself first. Love yourself first. Make yourself happy first. This raises your vibration so that you can find someone that matches the energy of your best self. If you find yourself going through partners, it is because they’re not an energetic match. That is a whooooole other blog post so join my mailing list to follow. Drop a comment if this is helpful. Like and share with someone that needs to hear this. Thank you to everyone that joined us last night! Julia and I had an amazing time connecting and sharing messages + life purpose readings. If you weren't able to make it, we will see you at the next one 😉
Join my mailing list on my website to stay current on all my upcoming events, new services, and more. Make sure you add my email to your safe list [email protected]. #psychic #mediumship #empath #metaphysical #reiki #spiritualawakening #intuition #healing #akashicrecord #auras #lawofattraction #transformation #highlysensitive #meditation #selflove #selfcare #energyhealing #mindbodysoul #bodyscan #remotehealing #sovereignty #grounding #energy Psychic faculties are a soul ability. We are all souls first and a physical body last. To answer this question, yes! We are all born with psychic abilities. I've said this many times and will happily say it 1000x more: our psychic abilities are muscles that require exercise.
What about people that are more in-tune with their psychic abilities? We are all on a different journey. The past lives and the purpose of that individual, as well as what that individual has planned out for themselves to learn the lessons they set out for themselves, are specific to them. A person may enter a lifetime with strong psychic faculties and part of their purpose is to honor and share those gifts. Another person may be born into a life with weaker psychic faculties and part of their purpose is to recognize and embody the divinity within them. Whatever your paradigm is, a mentor/guide can help you explore that in a safe space. The Universe does not give you anything that you cannot handle. Remember that, repeat it, integrate it. When you think you are not enough, remember that you are and that you've been gifted this experience to demonstrate for yourself how powerful you truly are. THAT is activating and unleashing your power within. Am I that guide for you? Book a 15 minute consultation with me to see if we are in energetic alignment. We will discuss a plan for you to align and realize your purpose. Triggers. The word trigger(s) became a more commonly used term in recent years. Before then, I don't think there was a more succinct way to describe the people, places, and things that would incite repressed feelings of emotional pain and discomfort, These triggers are symptoms of our wounds, emotional wounds. If wounds are darkness, blocking the light so that we cannot see clearly, then light is the flashlight of an expansion of consciousness to see the whole picture.
When we think of healing, people often think of going to the doctor, having the doctor tell them what is happening, and get a prescription. Our involvement stopped when we unloaded our experience on the doctor and at that point, it became their issue to resolve. Let the doctor fix it. Let the prescription fix it. We effectively have washed our hands of it. Energy healing is different. The dis-eased owns the healing from beginning to end. As a practitioner, I hold space and guide you through the healing. I facilitate the recognition of the wound and understanding it's place in consciousness. This is enabling you to realize your empowerment. Does my situation own me? Or, do I own the situation? This creates a huge shift in your perspective to make and own the life of joy that you deserve. While I may bring in energy through crystals, reiki, chromotherapy, or other modalities to return your energetic body to equilibrium, the long term healing comes from your choices once you leave our session. I work with our Spirit Guides in sessions to bring forth messages to integrate healing. Our guides will give insight and/or advice to how we feel, why we feel, and what we can do. It depends on each person and what serves your highest and greatest good. Healing begins with the recognition of one's sovereignty. Sovereignty over such triggers. Sovereignty to allow light. Sovereignty to be in any freaking state of healedness you wish! This is true empowerment. Realizing that this flowed from you and that you can change it. Whether you want to learn the tools to heal yourself or work with me 1x1, I've got you! Use the button on the top of this page to book a complimentary 15 minute consultation to see if we are an energetic match.
I had the pleasure of joining my friend and fellow intuitive Julia Wesley on her Divine Realignment podcast. It was a lot of fun. I will admit that the entire day leading up to it I was abuzz with energy. I don't know if I would necessarily call it all excitement. There was certainly a part of me wondering what could go wrong. My husband Justin will attest to this. It ended up being a great lively discussion on living your life purpose and signs to pay attention. My favorite sign you should notice is that living your life purpose is easy!
A little background on how Julia and I got together, we met in a class after finding out we've been training with all of the same people. You see, Julia is in Nashville, TN and I am in Los Angeles, CA. Two of our teachers are local to me, which is how I found them. Our formal training is near identical. While our training is identical, we bring unique flavors to our practice. We are teaming up for our Virtual Gallery Reading May 16, registration link below. We limit the group to 10 people so that everyone gets a reading. This is an event you won't want to miss! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/103642938820 |
DisclaimerBy booking a reading you agree to the following terms and conditions: The readings that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information that I give you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons we have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. My services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert. Archives
December 2023