Majority of the time we are seeking answers for self-improvement. Sometimes we need to recognize that we are enough and give ourselves a pat on the back. I was doing my own personal development working with my Archetype cards by Caroline Myss asking questions about archetypes I need to know to heal or bring more light to. I felt like changing it up and asked, which archetype do I need to be more aware of that I am not giving myself enough credit for?
Behold the avenger. While we are moving through social justice, we need to recognize our work. It is important to acknowledge where we went wrong and it is easy to get caught up in the self-loathing and self-punishment. What is more important is we learn from our past and take action to support the future. Educating ourselves and recognizing the injustice is one step and we need to recognize the progress in that. We are contributing to breaking the cycle. Like I said, don’t get too comfortable in one spot. It isn’t enough to throw a party over but we deserve to feel the joy in progress. There is still so much more work to be done and to keep it going, we need to see a positive. The avenger is the idea of balance and justice. Are you in light or shadow expression of this archetype? The light aspect is considered the balance. Light is seeking the highest and greatest good. The shadow expression is considered action based outside of love. Is it done in the name of justice but based out of fear, doubt, hate, or revenge? What is this action rooted in? The avenger wears a mask trying to humbly get the job done with no attention. When in light, they don’t need the attention. They do it because of the bigger picture. Maybe you are quietly supporting the revolution and you don’t recognize your effort as a contribution. You are. This is your reminder that you are helping make a difference, no matter the size. The yellow in the picture signifies strong will, you must have strong will to pursue justice in times like these. There are a lot of hard angles in the picture that give me triangle vibes which represent strength. The hard angles also tell us that we must choose a direction. Often times we talk about grey areas but this card says we must choose. The light blue on the map represent throat chakra work which is speaking and putting action behind our truth. The map tells me that this is a global effect or that it has no boundaries. It doesn't matter where you are, this affects everyone. The dark blue speaks to the vision you are creating. Everything starts in energy and manifests itself to the physical experience. What you are thinking and envisioning is what you are creating. Do you find yourself stuck in the mental pattern of what's wrong with today or do you move that vision forward to the picture perfect existence you desire? As a mother and pregnant with a baby on the way, I remember watching the last election results and feeling so much despair. I was so disappointed in my country and even more so of the people in my immediate circles that support Trump. How will I raise my kids in a world with that cheeto as our country's leader. In retrospect, turns out it has taught my kids a lot about character. Sometimes we need to identify what we don't want in order to identify what we do. Did I replay the doom I felt over and over? Honestly, maybe a few times. I felt a stronger need to move forward and to give myself motivation. I found this motivation through recognizing that even his term is limited and yawl, this was before I found meditation! Does this resonate for you? Comment below. Have you entered my September Give Away? Check out my Instagram for participation details. Contest ends 9/30.
Catch me at 5pm PST/8PM EST on my Facebook page for live readings. Me: What archetype do I need to be more aware of today? Cards: The Goddess. Interpretation: In balance, the goddess is fully aware and fully embodying one's feminine energy: unapologetically sensual, creative, and wild. Unapologetic because to apologize for your existence is to doubt and minimize your role. No more "sorry, not sorry." Be bold faced you as you are meant to. Sensual does not equal erotic. Sensual can be erotic but erotic is a polarized expression of sensuality. The goddess archetype is about finding one's unique balance of expression within these facets. Sensual is sensing is feeling. Do you feel? Or are you numb? Are you numb as a defense mechanism? The goddess knows the wisdom in feeling and dives in with the courage to experience the totality of what is intended. Wild does not mean out of control, that's the colonized perspective. The native perspective of wild is to be in the purest form and aligned with the original expression. Work with me, use the Book Now button up top to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if we are an energetic match. Stay current with all my upcoming events, blog posts, and videos by joining my mailing list. I probably send 1-2 emails a month 😁 #psychic #mediumship #empath #metaphysical #reiki #spiritualawakening #intuition #healing #akashicrecord #auras #lawofattraction #transformation #highlysensitive #meditation #selflove #selfcare #energyhealing #mindbodysoul #bodyscan #remotehealing #sovereignty #grounding #energy Q: What do we need to know for this week to align with our highest good?
G R E E N M A N ' S B R I D E r e v e r s e d "We engage with ourselves most deeply when we live another in a committed, strong, free and blessed way." This card reversed calls our attention to how we may be unbalanced in relationships with either too much control, not enough participation, too much love (yes it's possible, it's called overbearing 😬), jealousy, fear, integrating pain from previous relationships, etc and this is not limited to romantic relationships. How can you deepen your understanding of relationships for a balanced co-created experience? Greenman is an archetype that represents masculine energy, receiving, he represents the human personification of nature/plants. Greenman's natural ability to receive with total alignment allows him to grow strong and lush making way for the beauty of nature and foliage. Foliage that in turn gives to the beings that live off of it. His ability to give lies in his ability to receive; balance, as above so below, mirrors. The faery bride is Greenman's feminine energy equivalent; a master of giving energy, wild, free, joyful in her independence. It is in her pursuit of joy that she gives her energy to those around her so that she may receive their energy back in rest. Ever been in the presence of someone and feel like it reinvigorates you? That's her presence. Ever kick off your shoes at the end of a hike to soak in the setting and recharge? This faery does the same thing. I see her playing in the forest and laying in the foliage to recharge. Her ability to receive the charging energy of the forest lies in her ability to rain her fae energy where she plays, like magic dust flowing from her being. Their union represents a deeper, mature understanding of the balance of said energies in a way that creates a new lineage, path, storyline. This card represents the energy and significance/value of such beginnings and rituals to usher in such transitions/transformations. T H E G R A I L F A E R Y "The mothering energy of this beautiful faery is echoed in the shape of the moon- she is waxing and is the sign of the mother, and is able to hold, receive, grow and allow in love, fertility, energy and the life- force itself. " When I read "waxing" I looked at my moon app and sure enough, we are in the waxing gibbous phase of the moon. So cool. This faery bathes in waters charged by feminine moon energy. Her chalice is a representation of taking in energy, being in the position of receiving. How often are you in a position of constantly giving? Of course you feel depleted, fatigued, maybe even resentful. You need to receive as much as you give, it's balance. Plain and simple. You've got to get to give, and vice versa. Drink lots of water to help your energy flow and to expel what no longer serves you. Give yourself a rest to reset and receive energy so that you can feel while and lively again. Quotes from @LucyCavendish @SelinaFenech #TheWildWisdomoftheFaeryOracle |
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December 2023